
The amaranth.vendor.xilinx module provides a base platform to support Xilinx toolchains.

The ISE, Vivado, and Symbiflow toolchains are supported.

class amaranth.vendor.xilinx.XilinxPlatform(*, toolchain=None)

Vivado toolchain

Required tools:
  • vivado

The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable AMARANTH_ENV_VIVADO, if present.

Available overrides:
  • script_after_read: inserts commands after read_xdc in Tcl script.

  • synth_design_opts: sets options for synth_design.

  • script_after_synth: inserts commands after synth_design in Tcl script.

  • script_after_place: inserts commands after place_design in Tcl script.

  • script_after_route: inserts commands after route_design in Tcl script.

  • script_before_bitstream: inserts commands before write_bitstream in Tcl script.

  • script_after_bitstream: inserts commands after write_bitstream in Tcl script.

  • add_constraints: inserts commands in XDC file.

  • vivado_opts: adds extra options for vivado.

Build products:
  • {{name}}.log: Vivado log.

  • {{name}}_timing_synth.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_utilization_hierarchical_synth.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_utilization_synth.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_utilization_hierarchical_place.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_utilization_place.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_io.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_control_sets.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_clock_utilization.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_route_status.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_drc.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_methodology.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_timing.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_power.rpt: Vivado report.

  • {{name}}_route.dcp: Vivado design checkpoint.

  • {{name}}.bit: binary bitstream with metadata.

  • {{name}}.bin: binary bitstream.

ISE toolchain

Required tools:
  • xst

  • ngdbuild

  • map

  • par

  • bitgen

The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable AMARANTH_ENV_ISE, if present.

Available overrides:
  • script_after_run: inserts commands after run in XST script.

  • add_constraints: inserts commands in UCF file.

  • xst_opts: adds extra options for xst.

  • ngdbuild_opts: adds extra options for ngdbuild.

  • map_opts: adds extra options for map.

  • par_opts: adds extra options for par.

  • bitgen_opts: adds extra and overrides default options for bitgen; default options: -g Compress.

Build products:
  • {{name}}.srp: synthesis report.

  • {{name}}.ngc: synthesized RTL.

  • {{name}}.bld: NGDBuild log.

  • {{name}}.ngd: design database.

  • {{name}}_map.map: MAP log.

  • {{name}}_map.mrp: mapping report.

  • {{name}}_map.ncd: mapped netlist.

  • {{name}}.pcf: physical constraints.

  • {{name}}_par.par: PAR log.

  • {{name}}_par_pad.txt: I/O usage report.

  • {{name}}_par.ncd: place and routed netlist.

  • {{name}}.drc: DRC report.

  • {{name}}.bgn: BitGen log.

  • {{name}}.bit: binary bitstream with metadata.

  • {{name}}.bin: raw binary bitstream.

Symbiflow toolchain

Required tools:
  • symbiflow_synth

  • symbiflow_pack

  • symbiflow_place

  • symbiflow_route

  • symbiflow_write_fasm

  • symbiflow_write_bitstream

The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable AMARANTH_ENV_SYMBIFLOW, if present.

Available overrides:
  • add_constraints: inserts commands in XDC file.

Xray toolchain

Required tools:
  • yosys

  • nextpnr-xilinx

  • fasm2frames

  • xc7frames2bit

The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable AMARANTH_ENV_XRAY, if present.

toolchain = None
property required_tools

A decorator indicating abstract properties.

Deprecated, use ‘property’ with ‘abstractmethod’ instead:

class C(ABC):

@property @abstractmethod def my_abstract_property(self):

property file_templates

A decorator indicating abstract properties.

Deprecated, use ‘property’ with ‘abstractmethod’ instead:

class C(ABC):

@property @abstractmethod def my_abstract_property(self):

property command_templates

A decorator indicating abstract properties.

Deprecated, use ‘property’ with ‘abstractmethod’ instead:

class C(ABC):

@property @abstractmethod def my_abstract_property(self):